Student Handbook

NLE Student Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS:  NLE 2022-2023



Breakfast / Lunch


Cell Phones/Electronic devices

Change of Address & Phone

Checking students in and out of school

Class activities

Computers and technology


Parent Advisory Committee

Parent Visits

Pickup & Drop Off

Physical Education



Tardy Policy






Attendance habits are formed early. Regular school attendance is just as important for younger students as it is for those in the upper grades.  Your child cannot keep up with the learning expectations if he/she is not in school. 

Please contact the office when your child is absent. 

“Unexcused Absence” means an absence from a class or school day for which the student does not have an allowable excuse, at the discretion of the building administrator.

Attendance Improvement Plan:

Whole School Prevention means universal, whole-school prevention strategies for all students, including student who have missed less than five percent of classes or school days for any reason.

Individualized Prevention means targeted prevention strategies for individual students who are missing five percent or more but less than ten percent of classes or school days for any reason.

Early Intervention means interventions for students who are missing ten percent or more but less than twenty percent of classes of school days for any reason.

Intensive Support means interventions for students who are missing twenty percent or more of classes or school days for any reason.


Our school recognizes students for their school accomplishments every 9-weeks with a short assembly. Some awards that students may be eligible for are Falcon of the Month, High-Five for Attendance (5 or fewer cumulative absences) and various academic awards.  Parents are invited and encouraged to attend. Ceremonies will follow current mandates from the Governor’s Office.



Bike racks are located on the east side (front) of the building for student use.  Students are responsible for locking their own bikes, should wear helmets and obey safe riding rules at all times while on their bikes.  Students must park their bikes once they get to school.  Riding around the school grounds during school hours is not allowed.



Breakfast and lunch are available FREE of charge every school day for all Nancy Lopez students.  Parents may have to complete an application for this service.  Please do not send students to school with cokes, chips, and or candy unless a full lunch is packed.

Breakfast will be served daily from 7:45-8:00.



The school bus is an extension of the school campus.  All school rules and regulations continue on the bus for the safety of all children.



Students are not allowed to access their phones during the school day!  First offense: will result in confiscation and the student may pick up the device from the school’s administration at the end of the day.  Second offense: the student’s parent/guardian shall be notified of violations and they must recover the device from school administration.  After the third offense: the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year, after which time the student’s parent must recover the device.  Failure to recover the device, within 5 days of the last official class day, will result in destruction. Should a cell phone and/or electronic device come up missing, school personnel will not take time to look for the item.



Please notify the office if your address or telephone number changes.  This is important for school records and for being able to contact you in case of an emergency.  WE MUST HAVE A PHONE NUMBER on file in the office in order to reach you.



Picture ID’s are required in order to check out a student.  The person pictured on the ID must be listed on the student’s enrollment form as an authorized person to take the child.  It is very important for your child to be in school all day to get the benefit of full instruction.   




Classrooms teachers reward their students within their own classrooms.   These activities will occur after lunch.  Teachers may contact parents to find out if they would like to contribute an item to the activity for their child’s classroom.  We would encourage all parents and teachers to make sure healthy food offerings are included with any classroom activities.  Please do not bring younger siblings into the classroom during these activities.  PLEASE DO NOT BRING FOOD TO SCHOOL FOR UNSCHEDULED REASONS SUCH AS A CHILD’S BIRTHDAY unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher.   



All students are expected to take care of our school computers. Failure to comply will result in loss of computer and internet privileges.



Please make every attempt to bring your child to school daily.  We are responsible for the education and well-being of all students; therefore, we must maintain an environment that is safe and conducive to teaching and learning.  Behavior concerns will be addressed in the classroom.  Minor incident reports will be documented in Educators Handbook and reviewed by administration.  Discipline referrals will be addressed by administration and a parent letter will be sent home.



It is important that the school nurse and your child’s teacher know of any special health problems. Please contact the school nurse at 637-3504 if your child is experiencing serious health problems.  Immunizations:  Students must have current shot records as required by state law to attend and remain at school.

Medication may be given at school ONLY with the written instructions of both a physician and the child’s parents.  Students may not carry or administer any medications at school without proper authorization.  The parents must administer shortterm illness medications.  Forms for medication dispensing are in the nurses office 637-3504.



Please see that anything coming to school (coats, caps, jackets, lunch boxes, and school supplies) is clearly marked in permanent marker with the child’s name.  This will help us return items to your child.  Students and parents are welcome to check our lost and found at any time.  The lost and found is located in the gym’s foyer.



Parents are encouraged to attend all parent meetings and participate in the education of their children.  The Parent Advisory team will formally meet twice a year in the library. 



NLE will follow any mandates from the NMPED regarding visitors.  If allowed, parents are welcome and encouraged to visit Nancy Lopez Elementary School.  However, parents may not be allowed to interrupt instruction to have a conference with the teacher.  Conferences should be scheduled with the teacher before or after school. The front main entrance is the ONLY entrance to the building for visitors.  For safety and security reasons, please do not enter the building through side or back entrances, except as designated for special evening meetings.  All visitors must check in at the office and receive permission before entering hallways or classrooms.



Please use the EAST side of the building for dropping off and picking up students at the beginning and end of the day.   The front area is for BUS loading and unloading.  It is not safe to walk through this area with children or driving around the buses.  This area will be blocked to car traffic during these times.  Please do NOT drop off your children before 7:45 a.m. as teachers are not on duty.


For safety reasons, please see that students and visitors do not bring pets to school.  If any pets appear at school, we will try to call the owner.  Animal Control will be called if a parent cannot be reached.  A person picking up a student from school should have their pet constrained for the safety of all students and staff. 


Nancy Lopez Elementary School offers a physical education program that is appropriate for your child’s age and grade.  All students will participate in P.E. unless excused in writing by a doctor.  Girls should wear shorts under their dresses during P.E.  All students should wear tennis shoes every day for safety.



The principal will be available almost any time; however, to make sure the principal is not in a scheduled meeting, appointments can be made through the school office at 637-3502.  Parents please make sure you have met with the teacher before meeting with the principal, should your meeting pertain to concerns within the classroom. 



7:45    School supervision begins.  Please help us maintain school safety by not allowing your student to arrive at school before 7:45 a.m.

8:00  First Bell rings

2:45   Students dismissed Mon, Tue, Thur. & Fri

EVERY WEDNESDAY dismissal is at 1:45.



If the student arrives into the classroom after 8:05 they are considered tardy.  It is a parent’s responsibility to sign their child in at the office. If tardiness and/or absences continue, the teacher, office, or counselor will make parent contact.  If a pattern of tardiness continues, the parents will be requested to meet with the Principal to resolve the issue.  



Please make any needed plans with your child before school.  Students will not be called out of class for a phone call except for emergencies.  Students will not be allowed to use the office phone during the day.   Students may use the telephone in their classroom to call a parent in the event of an emergency or some other important reason with permission from their teacher.



Weapons, smoking, alcohol, drugs, lighters, or fireworks are NOT allowed on school grounds at any time.  Gang activity will not be allowed on campus this includes: a student’s dress, behavior, and/or actions.  This applies to school staff, students, and the general public.



Please do not allow your children to bring toys or electronics to school.  Toys and electronics that are brought will be taken away.



Parents are responsible for the appearance, health and cleanliness of their children.  All students are expected to wear school uniforms.  Parents will be called and asked to remedy the uniform infraction so the student can stay at school for instruction.  Uniform requirements are as follows:

Bottoms:                Pants, uniform or jeans, shorts, skirts.  

Colors:                  Khaki, Navy, Black.  Plain no decorations.

Shorts /skirts:        At or above the knee must be longer than fingertips when arms are at                             rest on sides. 

Pants/shorts:          May NOT sag- Belts are strongly recommended.                                                                                                                 

Tops:                    Solid color shirts. Logos must be smaller than quarter.

Colors:                  Any solid color

Shoes:                   Tennis shoes should be worn to school every day. 

                          No wheels, cleats, sandals, or flip flops.

Jackets:                No hoods on heads in the building at any time. 

Only solid colored hoodies and jackets to be worn inside. Logos must be smaller than a dollar bill.          


When a student’s appearance, mode of dress, and/or cleanliness is distracting and disruptive of the educational process, the student/parent will be required to make requested modifications to allow the student to continue with their school instruction.



The abbreviated day is a shortened day that begins one or two hours later than the regular schedule when hazardous road conditions endanger the safe transportation of students.  The RISD automated phone system will make an announcement by 6:00a.m.  Radio and television stations are also notified by this time.  It is imperative that you have up to date contact information to receive emergency calls. 

Please click below to access the RISD Student Handbook

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